78% of our patients are able to eliminate the need for opioids and maintain a satisfactory report of positive pain control.

  • At Oklahoma Spine Surgery Center, we strive to help as many people as possible. Our doctors are contracted with a wide variety of insurance carriers and we are always accepting new patients. If you do not see your insurance provider on this list, it does not necessarily mean that we don’t take your insurance or  that your insurance will not cover at least part of your costs. Please call our office to discuss your insurance plan. We also offer payment plans for self-pay patients and we can take out of network benefits.





    • BCBS PPO

    • BCBS EPO

    • BCBS PLAN 65





    • CORVEL (CorCare)


    • GEHA























  • Q: Do I need a referral?

    • OSSC is happy to see all patients WITHOUT a referral. All that is needed is for you to call and schedule an appointment with your insurance information. It is also very helpful if you are able to gather any previous MRI or scans as well as treatment information that you have had in the past.

    Q: Will I be put to sleep for my injection?

    • The use of anesthesia for injections is something that we do offer, however do to increasing cost concerns and the minimally invasive approach that we use, the overwhelming majority of patients who receive injections from us do not use anesthesia. We often hear patients talk about how a friend or relative “had to go to the operating room to get their shot” and think that it was something more invasive or different than what we do in office. The truth is that every injection that is offered in a hospital or operating room can easily be done right in our office in less than five minutes saving our patients hospital bills, anesthesia bills and hours of hospital check in time by doing so.

    Q: Will my injections hurt?

    • For patients who feel concerned or anxious about their injections hurting, it is worth knowing that we have surveyed our patients regarding this and on average they have relayed that on a scale of 1-10 the most pain felt was around a 2. Every patient is numbed before the actual injection with lidocaine, this is typically the only thing that is felt by the patient. This injection of lidocaine is performed with the same size needle used to give the common flu shot and is considerably smaller than the needle used for an IV if you were to be sedated for the injection.

    Q: I’m nervous for my shot, what options do I have?

    • It’s perfectly normal to be nervous for an injection as this is something to be dealt with before any kind of medical procedure. While most patients do absolutely fine with nothing we do have options of prescribing a before procedure Valium to take. This requires a trip to the pharmacy before scheduled injection day as well as an additional appointment to give the prescription as well as one for the actual injection. Valium is a pill that you take requiring 30-45 minutes to take effect so must be taken accordingly to be of benefit for your injection appointment. If a Valium is taken, patient MUST have a driver. 

    Q: Can I eat or drink before my injection?

    • The only time having something to eat or drink prior to an injection becomes an issue   are those instances that you will be receiving anesthesia for your injection. Many anesthesia medications cause patients to become nauseous and increase the likelihood of vomiting while sedated.  In addition to making people more likely to vomit, anesthesia also reduces your gag and cough reflex so that if you do vomit you are at a greater risk of choking.

    Q: What is pain management?

    • We feel that is it extremely important for patients as well as other doctors to understand that Pain Management is a board certified medical sub-specialty within anesthesiology and physical medicine/rehabilitation. To be a pain specialist you must first complete a four year residency after medical school and then be accepted into a fellowship for an additional year. The process to get certified requires two- eight hour written exams and a final half day oral exam in front of multiple experts in the field. The reason this is so important for patients to know is understanding that doctors have the freedom to promote themselves any way that they want regardless of their training background. Often with their limited training, all these physicians can do is write and maintain prescriptions never being able to fully diagnose what is causing pain and how to make it stop. To make sure that you are seeing someone fully qualified to adequately manage your pain, please click the link and verify that they have been trained and are board certified. http://www.certificationmatters.org/find-my-doctor 


    Q: Do you prescribe opioids? 

    • In short, yes OSSC can prescribe opioids but our priority is to figure out what hurts and why so that our patients do NOT need pain pills. The majority of patients who come to see us are not taking any kind of long term opioid medications. Opioids have gotten a lot of attention in the media in the last decade and we are all aware of the epidemic they have placed on our Nation. The story lines of addiction, over dose and over prescribing have long been the focus but the most important fact for you as the patient is this; opioids are NOT an effective treatment for long term pain control. We know this because there have been numerous studies showing patients having pain being broken into two groups; one receiving opioids and the other receiving different types of pain medications and sometimes even placebos. The results of these studies have been consistent over the past decade. Patients receiving opioids report lower pain scores for the first few weeks but as their bodies become more resistant to the medication the pain scores end up right where they started. In spite of our successful treatment options and poor evidence for long term opioid management there are the specific circumstances in which low dose opioids can provide some improvement in function. 

    Q: If I receive an injection, do I need a driver?

    • It is recommended that you have someone available to drive you after having an injection. Most of our injections should leave you feeling as good or better as when you walked in. However with some of our injections we may have numbed your entire arm or leg causing weakness for several hours making it unsafe for you to drive. In addition to this, if you were prescribed Valium to take prior to an injection it would be unsafe to drive. It is impossible to know what kind of treatment you will need and receive on the day of your appointment so it is always better to have a driver with you if possible. 

  • Many Americans live with chronic pain on a daily basis and fail to seek help for it. According to the American Osteopathic Association, close to 1 in 2 Americans say pain is part of their daily life, and 41% believe is a normal part of aging.  Outside of the procedures and treatments we have to offer, there are other ways your chronic pain can be managed. Most of these are used in conjunction with the procedures and treatments we have to offer. If you are interested in any of them, please bring this to your doctor’s attention.

    Physical Therapy

    Seeking the help of a physical therapist is sometimes a key part of chronic pain treatment. These specialists can teach you home exercises, addressing your specific injury, as well as teach proper lifting and bending. Please see our blog “Staying Active after Epidural Injections” for some general exercises. Please note this should not take the place of actual physical therapy.

    Back and Sacroiliac Braces

    These braces are used during times of activity, when your injured area is most vulnerable, to help support the affected area. They help to remove pressure on the discs, and reduce inflammation. Please ask your doctor for more information if you are interested in a brace. Our clinical team will get you fitted with the proper brace the same day of your appointment, pending insurance approval.  For more information, please look at our blog “How Back Braces Help with Lumbar Pain”.

    Alternative Care

    Our physicians work with a large network of alternative treatment providers such as chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, & others. If you are interested in a referral for any of these, please speak with your doctor and we can create one for you.

    TENS Units and Muscle Stimulation

    Some patients find this type of noninvasive stimulation helpful at masking their chronic pain. We work with several providers in the city who can help get you fitted with the unit that is right for you. If you would be interested in a TENS unit, please let your doctor know and we can make that referral for you.

    Change in Daily Habits

    Proper body mechanics, dietary changes, and desk ergonomics are daily life habits that can affect your chronic pain without you realizing it. It is important to learn how proper care can help to decrease your chronic pain. For more information, please check out our blog page and ask your doctor about how you can make these changes.


    Massage involves stroking or rubbing muscles and other soft tissues. Massage stretches and loosens soft tissues to improve blood flow, which helps alleviate pain. Massage is also proven to reduce stress hormone levels, improve joint function, and reduce inflammation. There are 4 types of massage: Swedish, deep tissue, sports, and trigger point massage. Each of these types range in pressure and movement, and can target specific types of muscle pain.

    You can also purchase an electric vibrating massager to help increase blood flow and “numb” the area temporarily. Some electric massagers also offer heat functions, which can ease pain. Brookstone offers a variety of body massagers that can target specific areas of pain.


    Taking time out of your day to intentionally relax is a vital tool to reduce pain. In many situations, pain is caused by tension and stress in muscles. Twice a day, practice relaxing areas of pain. One way to do this is to create tension in that area and release. Your muscle should relax every time you release.

    Breathing exercises are also a great way to relax. The 4-7-8 breath is the most popular breathing exercise:

    • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.

    • Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.

    • Hold your breath for a count of seven.

    • Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

    • This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.

    Vacations and other times dedicated to relaxing are very important to your health, so don’t let yourself go without them! Even if you have a “staycation” at home, allow yourself to occasionally get away mentally and emotionally from stressful situations.


    When you feel pain you may be reluctant to exercise because you think it will cause your pain to worsen. Although exercise can be difficult to begin, once you start a rhythm, it can be the best thing for your aching body. Not only will you feel better physically, but exercise can help you emotionally, and mentally as well.

    You should always ask your doctor about your limitations before exercising.

    Rules for exercising:

    • Find exercises that are right for you. Walking, riding a bike, and swimming are some examples you can do at home.

    • When you first start exercising you may hurt a little more. This is natural. Unused muscles will be sore at first.

    • Take care with exercises. Learn how to “listen to your body.”

    • Keep as active as you realistically can; your body is designed to move.

    • Stop if you feel a sharp or new pain.

    • Don’t rush through your exercises. They should be done in a calm, steady manner, with awareness of how the movements affect your body.

    • Increase your enjoyment – try exercising, or just moving, to slow, relaxing music.


    These tips can help manage your pain temporarily, but if you feel you need some extra help, the doctors at OSSC have the expertise to diagnose your specific pain.

  • Please ask the office when you call

  • Please ask the office when you call

  • Please ask the office when you call